Saturday 21 November 2015

Pakistani Mazahiya Lateefay

We intend to bring thousands of mazahiya lateefay for our website readers, making this website as the biggest and best source of Pakistani Urdu Jokes. Aristotle said man is by nature a social animal. Working continuously causes stress, which is a major causes of depression and anxiety. There is a proverb that says, a sound mind lives in a sound body and it can be possible if we are relaxed!
Smile and laugh as life is short. Build your facial muscles by laughing. laugh in your Pakistani style… No matter if you are alone. Get yourself relaxed with Mazahiya Urdu Lateefay.
Mazahiya Urdu jokes and desi funny pakistani lateefay available here.
Do you want to become prominent in social gatherings? Yes !!! Read and remember lateefay for next social gathering. Telling a joke is an art. It is all about timing. If you hit the right joke at the right time, you will grab the attention of your audience.
Last year, we conducted a small survey to find if Pakistani people are interested in mazahiya Urdu shayari or mazahiya Urdu khabrain or mazahiya Urdu lateefay. Survey results would probably stun someone! Most of the people said that in the leisure time they prefer to read mazahiya Urdu lateefay online. People are shifting away from reading the book everyone is reading stuff online. One more thing was observed that in free hours and office break time, people prefer to read some mazahiya stuff to get them relaxed!!
We finally decided to build a website for recreation of Pakistani readers. Gone are the days when you searched for some humorous stuff and you got disappointed !!! Pakistani Urdu mazahiya lateefay are here for you.